Sunday, October 07, 2007

my weekend: sleeping and reading

Friday: Slept until 11am after going to bed before midnight. Did some reading and internet searching. Took a nap from 2 until 5. Read a lot more. Watched You've Got Mail (aka one of my top two favorite movies) at midnight.

Saturday: Slept until 10, read, went for a run, and read more. Took a break to eat popcorn and watch British comedies, then read again.

Sunday: Couldn't wake up to my alarm at 7:30 so slept until after 9. Got ready for church but was running late and then talked to my Santa Fe grandparents on the phone instead. Went to my new favorite coffee shop downtown to read for five hours, sat in my car and read more, then went to church at 6. Stopped by Target, and now ready to eat something and guessed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my brain hurts from all the reading you do - and I'm just reading about the reading.