Monday, October 22, 2007

painless surgery in ten minutes or less!

Turns out my implant wasn't so bad, and so far I haven't been in much pain (though my parents and doctor-Grandpa make me worry I'm going to wake up crying and need to jump on the Vicodin bottle). I made the mistake of reading all the things that can go wrong when I signed the consent form, so I was pretty worked up and nervous when I sat in the chair, especially with the official hair net and arm band checking my blood pressure. I enjoyed what I'll call the "happy gas" and the only pain I had was when they gave me shots to numb everything, and even those weren't too bad. I hardly noticed what was going on, except when I spotted the spit sucker and said through an open and numb mouth "is that my blood?" "Well it sure isn't mine..." the doctor answered. Ten minutes later they told me I was done (except for the x-ray and stitches), and I hadn't even been sure they'd really started! The stitches weren't bad either- I tried to talk about beer on the Oregon Trail with string hanging out of my mouth and finally the doctor told me I could tell him about it later. So hurray for no-pain periodontics!

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