Sunday, October 21, 2007

Weekend Review

Friday: Slept in late, read, slept more. Finally showered around 4 and read and graded until late.

Saturday: Went to a health store and antique store with a friend, graded, went on a walk instead of taking a nap, read, took a break to watch British comedies, and read more.

Sunday: Slept in a little too late, read, went for a run in my newly-discovered neighborhood, went downtown to my favorite coffee shop to read, visited a consignment store and read a little more, went to church, went to the grocery store, home to read more.

Coming up: at eight in the morning I'm having what my mother keeps referring to as "surgery," but is just a fancy dentist implanting a screw in my jaw bone. Good times.

1 comment:

I'm Jennifer said...

An implant! I'm so excited for you. It's kinda sad, but great, that dentistry gets me this hyped up. It's such an easy procedure. The worst part is how long the period of time is between getting it placed and getting your tooth, but every dentist varies a little on the procedures they follow. I'd love to hear more! And, not that you have to tell your mom this, but the dental world refers to it as surgery too, I think just because it's in the bone and everything has to be super sterile.