Monday, October 01, 2007

out of juice and suckin' up bugs

Today I had to cancel a meeting (well, we rescheduled it), which I never ever have to do. I'm always where I say I'll be, though I might be a couple minutes late. Anyway, not today. Why? you ask. Because I was stuck in Richmond. Stuck. My car would not go. Turns out I needed a new battery. Grandpa helped me take it and get a new one, so I was only stuck for a couple more hours. I'm sick of dealing with my car. I don't want any more problem, you hear?

When I finally got back to my apartment I heard a noise in my room. I prayed it was not scary vermin. Turns out it was a bug in my floor lamp. I could only see its scary shadow through the glass shade, and I was too afraid to stand on my bed and look more closely. I thought about smashing it with my shoe, but I decided that would be a lot of trouble since it was up there in the lamp and what if it flies? Or stings? Or explodes with babies? So instead I was a genius. I got the vacuum cleaner, attached the long hose, and without every having to look at the thing directly, sucked him up. If you have stories about how that was not a good solution because he could get out and multiply in the laundry closet where I keep the vacuum, I don't want to hear them. Thank you.

1 comment:

ALF said...

The vacuum is a wonderful solution to many bug problems - I use that technique often. My only advice is not to get lazy and use the dust buster instead because the dust buster won't kill the bug, it will only make the bug angry.