Saturday, January 27, 2007

Exciting happenings in the Kitchen

Way back in May my parents visited me in Richmond and we hit the clearance sales at Hechts for tons of kitchen things for my new apartment. It was exciting.

When I moved into my apartment in August I went to the grocery store and bought lots of stuff, including "staples."

Until last night, that was the end of the story. Then I decided to make scones. I love scones.

I opened a box and used my cookie sheet for the first time. I took down a mixing bowl from the cabinet and used it for the first time. I opened the flour for the first time, and the oatmeal for the first time, and the baking powder for the first time. Also, I turned on my oven for the first time. Ever.

I'm not gonna pretend they were the best scones ever (oatmeal, with no heavy cream, and slightly burned on the bottom), but they were decent and it was a pretty exciting evening. I made coffee to go with them. But I've done that before.

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