Monday, July 02, 2007

"I don't know much about the Civil War, but I can tell you about the Alamo."

Those were my words to the news camera in the fourth grade when my dad took me to the ceremonial (re)burial of some Confederate soldiers in Glorieta, New Mexico. Luckily they didn't air my little interview that night on TV.

Tonight I stayed more on topic when I was interviewed. If you happened to be watching the channel 8 six o'clock news in Richmond this evening you saw me say a few words from the corner of Stuart and Mulberry in the Fan. I was walking and eating a sandwich during my lunch break when I saw a news camera up ahead, so I made sure to cross the street and get out of their way. Apparently I was the lone young woman they'd been waiting for at that corner though, so they jogged across the street to meet me and ask if they could ask me a few questions on camera about the two sexual assaults that took place last night in that area. I said sure, but then realized I didn't really have anything to say- that's a horrible thing to happen, but why did they want to talk to me about it? I wasn't there, I don't know anyone involved, I don't live there, and I don't walk around there alone at night. Anyway, it was awkward but I got through it and the few seconds they aired weren't too bad. Thankfully there was also an intern present to tell me I had crumbs on my face before the camera rolled.

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