Friday, August 01, 2008

calling for awesome turtle names

In case you don't know or forgot, my Grandma loves turtles. The house has tons of turtle figurines around, and much more exciting are the real live turtles in the back yard. (For an example of how cute my Grandma and her turtles are, check out this email she sent almost two years ago.) We have one that is fun because when it wants Grandma's food it heads to the sidewalk in the back yard and hangs out until it's spotted. And it struts around the yard with its head held high. One morning I had to ask it (politely) to hurry and move off the path so I could open the gate without hitting it on my way to work. It complied nicely and waddled out of my way.

Last fall Grandma found a baby turtle in the yard, and she brought him inside and put him in a box in the kitchen. But he didn't like the box or the indoors, so she let him go back outside and hoped he would hibernate safely through the winter. I'm calling it a "he" but it could be a she for all we know. Anyway, this morning Grandpa spotted the baby turtle outside again! So he survived! Grandma immediately went out to give him cantaloupe, green beans, and tomatoes, but he didn't seem too interested while we stood there watching. He ate grass instead.

Now as you can tell we do not have names for our turtles. But we need some. And since I am lame at picking out names, I am asking for the internet's help. And maybe no one reads this or will submit any suggestions, but you should. It will be awesome.

For inspiration, here are shots taken this morning of the wee one. (I don't have pictures of the bigger one because it's never hungry and standing on the sidewalk at opportune times for me to grab a camera.)


Leslie said...

hee! those are some brown eyes - it's a girl! :] whatta cutie! i know she was thrilled to find it after so long. fun!

ALF said...

You should definitely name one Myrtle.