First, I woke up before the sun. Why? you ask. Because on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have a class at 8:30 in the morning, and I gave myself 45 minutes to drive to school and walk across campus. I haven't had a class this early since high school.
Next, I drove to Chapel Hill to buy a book at Borders. Why? you ask. Because my professor submitted the wrong book list and I bought a bunch of the wrong books through Amazon, and one of the books that was not on the list is a book he wants read by next Wednesday, but is not in the bookstore yet, and Borders in Chapel Hill is all I could come up with that had it in stock.
After that I went to my favorite place in Chapel Hill to get a scone and chai and read my women's history book, but then I discovered I bought (again, through Amazon) the third edition when my professor wants the fourth edition, and while that might not matter for some books it definitely matters for this book because I was missing most of the assigned articles.
At three I went to my TA class, which is Early American History. That went fine.
Since we got out early I had time to go to the bookstore on campus and purchase the correct women's history book.
I then had to walk across campus again, through the stifling and sticky North Carolina heat, to my Spanish class. It started fine, but by the end I was tired and she was talking about Spanish grammar and I was thinking to myself "Where am I? How did I end up in this place talking about Spanish grammar? It's like high school again."
When this class finally ended just before 6pm I walked back across campus to my car, thankful that the day was over and I could go home to cool off and eat dinner.
But then.
Then I got in a car accident. And my car was towed away, and I had to call a friend to come pick me up off the side of the road. No joke. I'm fine. I don't know about the car yet.
My friend (Tess) took me to her apartment, since we were all planning to go there and watch The Office later anyway, and she made me dinner and gave me aspirin for my headache, and was a very good friend for picking me up off the side of the road and being so nice about it. She even stood on the super hot sidewalk with me for a long time, where we both got mosquito bites.
After hanging out and watching TV another friend drove me back home, since I don't have a car to drive anymore, and now I am ready for a shower and to fall into bed.
p.s. Let me add that the day really didn't seem so bad while it was happening. Even the accident was fine- I didn't freak out or cry or get upset or anything. Life happens I guess. It's only now, going back through my day, that I realize it was what some might label "a no good very bad day."