Friday, March 16, 2007

when the lights go out

It rained rained rained all day long. Then around 7:30 the power went out, and it got very dark. I found my one and only combined flashlight-and-radio and started looking for candles, in case the lights were going to be off forever. I managed to find two tea lights (from jack-o-lanterns sophomore year) and a little box full of tiny incense candles (a hand-me-down Christmas gift from my mother that will most likely never be used). You see, I don't really like candles. But when the lights go out, you wish you had them.

Also during this very dark period my cauliflower soup was not done cooking on the stove. Yes, I voluntarily bought cauliflower at the store and made soup with it. Luckily cauliflower soup isn't the sort of thing that will be disastrously affected by no power.

Oh, I also found a little book-reading light. Because the one thing every girl wants to do when the lights go out is homework.

This episode reminded me of that time during high school when the power went off and I was home alone. I left and went to my friend Megan's house around the block. They were making hamburgers in the dark and her dad wore a head lamp. Now that I think of it, how were they cooking hamburgers? Anyway, they let me have one. It was like a fun indoor camp out.

Back to tonight, the power came back on, my soup finished cooking, and I didn't have to read with an itty-bitty book light. Whew.

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