Wednesday, June 27, 2007

He'll always be Superman.

Yesterday I went to see Grandpa after work. He asked someone if they wanted a fat lip and referred to his surgeon as "The Chopper," so I cried with relief to have my Grandpa back. He's in a ton of pain, as anyone who has had their chest cracked open and their heart stopped and messed with would be (not to mention a vein taken out of his leg and lots of tubes sticking out of various places). Today when I went the nurse came in to walk him to his chair so he could eat his liquid dinner. He didn't want me to stay and see him walk, and told the nurse he was supposed to be Superman and couldn't have his granddaughter seeing him otherwise. Of course that only made me want to cry again because seriously, I could never think of him being anything less than a super man.


ALF said...

I hope your Grandpa is doing well.

andi said...

Thanks. He is definitely improving. Today he looked much better and was even laughing a little, which was good to see.