Saturday, June 23, 2007

Thoughts and Prayers Please

Grandpa is in the hospital, expecting a quadruple bypass any day now. He had a cath scheduled for last Monday, which was pushed back because of something with his kidneys, and then it got pushed back again and finally happened yesterday afternoon. That went fine, but showed that things are pretty serious. He's in CCU now, and apparently he's not feeling too great today. So please keep him and grandma in your thoughts and prayers, as well as the rest of the family.


Anonymous said...

We're praying hard for your whole family. Love you tons.

ALF said...

If you're keeping my knee in your prayers, I can certainly keep your grandparents and family in mine...

Anonymous said...

hey-we are sorry to hear about your grandfather's illness. you and your family will be in our thoughts. ryan and erin