Monday, June 18, 2007

My Weekend in Review

Friday: Covered my grandparent's bathroom window, then ate lunch with them. Went over to an aunt's house to let her dog Ginger (a 13-year-old chihuahua) out. Back to grandparent's house for a super long run (over six miles), then sat around with family drinking wine and chatting. Ate a little dinner, then headed back over to aunt's house, where I spent the next two nights. Played Guitar Hero a lot and became a Guitar Legend.

Saturday: Up to make a pot of coffee and read, then out for Mexican lunch with grandparents. Let the dog out again, then went to a coffee shop for more reading. Went to dinner with family, then to see the musical Into the Woods.

Sunday: Played Guitar Hero all morning and then only had time for a twenty-minute run. Over to the grandparent's house for lunch, then made two kinds of delicious scones (cran-orange and gingerbread). Let the dog out again, then raced across town for church. Over to different aunt's house for "high tea" with sandwiches and my scones for Father's Day, or in my case, Grandpa's Day. Back over to other aunt's house to feed dog and play more Guitar Hero. Home at grandparent's house for bed.

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