Monday, June 25, 2007

So far so good.

Grandpa has come through the quadruple bypass and things are going smoothly so far. He's still on the ventilator, which they will try to take out tonight or in the morning. All four artery grafts (I think that's what you would call them) went well. Grandma and Mom and I got to the hospital around 9:15 this morning. Eventually Judy, Sunni, and Caryn joined us. We finally got to see him around 4:30. He was still asleep and had tons of tubes sticking out of him, but he's alive and we got to touch him and tell him we love him.

During the many hours of waiting I did a few crosswords and sudokus, read about four pages of a book, played Boggle and Old Maid, ate lunch, a green milkshake, and some hot fries, talked with family, and went outside for a break from the worrisome waiting.

Grandma will get to visit him in the morning around 10, and I can't wait to see him tomorrow after work.

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