Tuesday, August 28, 2007


In case you don't know, I'm a little paranoid about bugs. I hate them. I'm scared of them, I have a special bug dance for when they're around, and I want them dead. Not put outside, dead.

Now, I'm not an idiot. If I can get someone else (Grandpa, my mom, a boy, etc.) to kill a bug for me, I will. But sometimes those people aren't around, and that's when I put my brave and determined face on. It's also important to be armed with a flip flop.

Last night there was a spider cricket in my bathroom. A big one. I got my sandal, crouched as close as I dared, and aimed. Unfortunately I missed, and the thing hopped to safety under the sink where I couldn't see it. "I'll get you in the morning," I said, and closed the bathroom door.

This morning I opened the bathroom door cautiously, and there he was, back in his original position. I got my sandal, crouched a little closer, and aimed. I was 0 for 2. He jumped back to his hiding position. "I'll get you when I get home tonight," I said, and closed the bathroom door again.

This evening I opened the bathroom door cautiously, but he was still hiding. Or, you might say, prolonging the inevitable. I simply had to wait.

Five minutes ago he was back. And I was ready. Third time's a charm.


ALF said...

thankfully he didn't explode babies!

andi said...

Boy, that's the truth.