Friday, August 31, 2007

In case I ever need to leave breadcrumbs...

I just went to the freezer to get down some pita bread (I freeze my pita and bread, since I can't eat it fast enough) for my hummus. I was pretty sure I had seen some earlier this week, which is why I bothered buying the hummus. Turns out I was wrong. Instead of a package of pita I found five almost-empty packages of bread with nothing but the heels. FIVE. I don't like to eat them, and I guess I feel bad for throwing them away so I tell myself I'll feed them to the ducks at the lake. I've never gone and fed them to the ducks. For now I think I'll just put them back in the freezer.

1 comment:

ALF said...

Throw the bread away! I don't think bread is healthy for has no nutritional value for them but it makes them full so they don't eat anything else and then get sick...