Saturday, August 18, 2007

a little bit of this and a little bit of that

I forgot to tell you that my brother Ryan went to the state championship last weekend for his shooting stuff and he won two trophies. Or maybe it was three. But the real excitement is he is the New Mexico Junior Champion! So congrats to him.

More news from New Mexico is that my mom had surgery a little over a week ago on her arm, and in case you don't know she can only use one of her arms and that's the one that was chopped on, so it's kind of a big deal. But she's doing well and she thinks she might even go back to work a little this week, so that's good. This was really the summer of surgery. Remember Grandma and Grandpa? (who are both doing very well!) Well my other grandmother also had surgery on her hand, and Uncle Richard had surgery, too, or at least he was in the hospital for a while. Sheesh.

My grandparents got a new fancy bed last week so they can each adjust their own sides of the bed, and when I was away working on my thesis at a coffee shop they snuck into my room and took my lovely brass bed away and gave me their bed. I was a little bit sad about this, because I don't like change, but really the bed I have now is bigger and very nice. They've had it for years and years. Also, Grandma let me pick out a brand new comforter for it, which was nice. Then she told me I have to come back and get another internship next summer now that she's gone and bought me a new comforter for the room I'm currently moving out of.

Actually, the moving isn't "current" quite yet. People keep asking me if I'm packed yet and when they first asked that I thought "Pack? I didn't even remember I would have to do that!" But it's true, I need to start bagging and boxing up the room so I can stuff it all in my car and move back to Raleigh tomorrow. In the meantime though, I'm going to go take a nap.

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